Wednesday Wisdom (Weekly Quote)

  • "Success is knowing your purpose in life, sowing seeds that benefit others, and growing to your maximum potential." - John Maxwell
  • "Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better." - Pat Riley
  • "The ultimate goal should be doing your best and enjoying it." - Anonymous

Friday, June 11, 2010


This is a topic that I am passionate about because I have seen major differences in my life between the times I have had goals and the times I haven’t.
Here is one of my favorite stories. In 1953, a survey was done of recent Harvard graduates. 3% had really done the process of setting specific, measurable goals, including putting them in writing. 10% had partly set some goals and 87% had not worked on goal setting. In 1973, they surveyed these people again and found that, in the measurable areas, the 3% had accomplished more than the 97%. Their net worth was as much in total as the 97%! This is an amazing statistic. While success can’t be measured just in dollars, the fact that they were able to accomplish so much more financially is a good indicator that the other areas of their lives were more productive also. Goal setting works! It works, if you set clear, specific, measurable goals in writing and then work at achieving them.
Beginning in 2004, I added one simple yet highly effective step to my goals program. I wrote in my daily planner at the first of each month these words. Re-read goals! This has kept me on track, reminded me of things I had neglected and allowed me to accomplish more than ever before. This illustrates one of the reasons why goal setting can make such a huge difference in what we accomplish. If we set goals AND keep them clearly in mind, then we find blocks of time to work on those goals. Also, when we get sidetracked, which we will, the written goals help us get back on track much sooner.
A good definition of a goal is the ongoing pursuit of a worthy objective until accomplished.
Remember these 10 things when setting your goals:
1) Your most important goals must be yours - not what someone else wants you to do.

2) Your goals must be meaningful - really important to you, you are willing to work hard to make it happen.

3) Your goals must be specific and measurable - so you know when you finish.

4) Your goals must be flexible - you need the freedom to adjust if something much better comes along. Be careful not to chase too many new ideas at once - keep your focus on a limited number of goals.

5) Your goals must be challenging and exciting - we limit ourselves if goals become boring and too easy, stretch your comfort zone sometimes.

6) Your goals must be consistent with your values - you don’t want to be reaching for goals that you don’t believe are right.

7) Your goals must be well balanced - set goals for all areas of your life including spiritual, family, work, leisure, etc.

8) Your goals must be realistic - things frequently take more time than we think due to setbacks, unexpected life changes, new goals and challenges.

9) Your goals must include giving something back - both money and time.

10) Your goals need to be supported - go public with some goals to give you some pressure to succeed, keep some to yourself for quiet satisfaction and share some only with a few select people who you trust and who will support and encourage you thru the tough parts.

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